
  • 40 000 items in stock
  • an automated goods warehousing system operating on the basis
    of carousel warehouses (Rotomat) and vertical storage systems
  • 8000 m² of warehousing area
CT ELTECH warehouse in Świdnica
An efficient warehouse organisation facilitating and speeding up the shipment
  • data collectors – a barcode system
  • goods in stock positioning system
  • distribution system for releasing goods into zones
  • double control system for the reception and release of goods
  • modern means of internal transport
  • the delivery of goods within 24 hours from the moment of receiving the client’s order (until 2.30 p.m.) at the level of 97,5%
  • the quality and precision of delivery at the level of 99,2%
  • cooperation with leading shipping companies
  • 24-hour system for monitoring shipment’s route
Integrated stands for packing tools
Integrated computer system
  • agreements with over 50 national and foreign tool manufacturers in terms of sales, technical advisory and service
  • integrated computer system providing on-line connection with all the branches
  • ERP system providing a rapid information flow in the company
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